Our Services

Connect with the Best Psychologist & Mental Health Expert Via Chat, Audio/Video Call.

  • Counselling parent and child (child 5- 10 years)

  • Adolescent Counselling(10-18) deals with growing up self image issues, addictions, behavioural problems, aggression, confidence

  • Relationship/couple counselling - also it include pre marriage counselling and pre- separation counselling( for smooth divorce /separation and if children are involved counselling for them aswell)

  • Individual counselling: Adults facing any emotional turbulence like anxiety , fear , phobia, low self esteem, anger management

  • Mind Therapy: Advanced mind techniques to free person from bad memories and incidents of past which haunt them.

  • Support counselling: individuals can speak their heart out and can get a non judgemental approach , no therapies attached.

  • OCD (obsessive compulsive disorders) therapy: using CBT tehniques

  • Public speaking (English) and confidence building for homemakers: specially designed for women who have lost their confidence in doing mundane chores and want to develop their self esteem.

  • Public speaking (English) and personality development programme for children (4- 12): Children have enormous potential and if they can be given guidance in early formative years of their lives it could be a game changer for their future life and endeavours.

  • Executive Public speaking Programme (English): 1 month programme for employed people (any field) who want to speak and write more confidently and make a mark in their organisation.

Client Testimonials

Shubrita is the best councellor I came across.She is extremely patient with her clients n gives them ample time to settle n narrate their ordeal..My sessions with her hav brought about positivity in me,which I hav been longing for quite sometime...She has changed my perspective to things n has brought me to peace...

'Soul Query For You' has made tremendous positive impact in my married life, your sessions and therapy really helped me to make my self emotionally balanced and control over anger. Thanks a ton to save my marriage.

Hi .. I am a class 9th student..I used to feel very low on confidence and i was so insecure that I did not want to go to school but after taking counselling sessions from Subhrita mam .. I have become confident and started loving myself , her sessions are so refreshing and I feel like talking to her everyday..Now I don't hesitate in making friends and my scores have improved.. Thank you so much mam

My Son didn't want to give class 12th pre board exams as he was too addicted to video games . Someone referred me to Subhrita Bhattacharya and she counselled my son for two months and my Son not only gave the exams but he got good marks also in pre boards and on that basis only the final board exam results were calculated. He has joined a good college now . Thank you so much mam.

I am a class 7th Student and I was always hesitant while speaking English . Subhrita mam's public speaking classes have made me confident and now I can speak in front of others without any hesitation. I have learnt many new words and my vocabulary has enhanced. She is a jovial person and I feel as if I am talking to a friend
Public speaking class Student

Subhrita mam taught us how to remove stage fear and speak confidently in front of others. Learnings of these classes helped me in many situations. Special thanks to mam for making me confident.
Public speaking Student -Grade 5

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